Do You Need a Medicare Insurance Agent?
Ensuring commissions even if beneficiaries stay with their original plans may help prevent unnecessary switching. However, there is also a risk that agents have limited incentive to revisit plan fit or routinely check in with beneficiaries. Policymakers could consider defining a minimum level of service required to earn the renewal or switching commission. However, there is no explicit imperative or financial incentive for agents to behave this way. Agents are not required to disclose that they do not offer all available plans and beneficiaries may not recognize that agents may not present all options available to them. The average Medicare beneficiary has 39 Medicare Advantage plans to choose from in 2022, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. You can easily check if you’re “ready-to-sell” with each of your carriers in the Ritter Platform! Simply log in to the Platform and confirm you’re ready to go by following the instructions here. For example, if you take your certificatio...